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Thursday, February 15, 2018
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Kathleen Jordan Sealy posted a condolence
Monday, August 31, 2015
Bro. Hartshorn was also my favorite religion professor at BYU (1971-1975). I had very little gospel knowledge at that time and was apathetic about religion in general. To my surprise, I looked forward to his class. He made the gospel come alive for me, and when he taught, his spirit was pure and strong and touched my heart. I will always be grateful.
Elder Ronnie E Lowder posted a condolence
Saturday, August 22, 2015
Read in the Church News today of the passing of a great man Pres Leon Hartshorn. Was my privilege to serve under him in the St Louis Missouri Mission. I was assigned as one of the missionaries to work in the mission office when the Hartshorns first came to St. Louis. What a wonderful family! What wonderful memories! Because Pres Hartshorn had been a professor at BYU a few of us office missionaries talked him into coming to the office a little early a couple of days a week and he would bring the scriptures to "life" as he expounded on them. My deepest sympathy for Sis Hartshorn and the family.
Elder Ronnie E. Lowder
Missouri St. Louis Missionary
Currently Aberdeen, Idaho
Colleen Smith posted a condolence
Wednesday, August 19, 2015
Sad to hear that I missed his service, I was in Boise last week. President Hartshorn, was my mission president for the last 9 months of my mission. He was a rock, he taught us that there was NO fence sitting in the Church, either we were on the Lords side or Satan's. His blue eyes penetrated my heart many times, and he was a witness of Christ as we all felt the Spirit of the Lord thru his service, wisdom, and words. He will be missed by many, prayers to his family and wonderful wife, Love Connie Griffin Smith St. Louis Mission 1979-1981
Sharon Faucette posted a condolence
Monday, August 17, 2015
Bro. Hartshorn was my favorite Religion Professor at BYU. I really loved his classes and I took every religion class that he taught. He was a great teacher and through his example, I have been a seminary teacher for 12 years and I feel many of my teaching skills came from this great man. Thank you Bro. Hartshorn!!
Michele Richings posted a condolence
Monday, August 17, 2015
Bea, we were so sorry to see that Leon had passed away and we missed the funeral. We did not see the obituary until today (Aug 17). I would have been so glad to give you a hug. When we moved to Orem, we looked and looked for a home and could not find one, so we used Betty Ann and Dave Armstrong's home as a base to look. You were her visiting teacher. You dropped in to see BA while we were there and afterward, she told us your husband was the bishop. I had known and loved Bishop Hartshorn's "Stories..." books for quite a while and, between you two and Merve and Gayle Gardner, our decision was made: we had to live in that wonderful ward. We were blessed to find the little rental home on 1000 East. We cannot think of that ward without thinking of you two. You were a constant positive presence there. We love you and miss you and hope you and the children will know that you and Leon did everything as celestially as possible on this earth - at least that's how it looked to those of us on the outside. Your example was always a blessing to us and we hope to see you again one day. -- Michele Zandi Richings and LeNore Syphus
Richard Baker posted a condolence
Saturday, August 15, 2015
I always feel joy and gratitude for having served under "President Hartshorn". His lessons of putting on the whole armor of God and obedience to the Lord's commandments with exactness and honor have been guiding principles in my life in church service, family and career. I express heartfelt condolences to Sister Hartshorn and family. God be with you till we meet again.
"Elder Richard Baker"
Missouri, St. Louis Mission 1980 - 1982
Currently in Aberdeen, WA
Susan Schofield Firmage posted a condolence
Saturday, August 15, 2015
The obituary quoted: "His counsel, advice and instruction blessed and changed the lives of countless students...." From 1976-1980 I was one of those students. I think I took almost every class he taught from Church History to Doctrine & Covenants, to my favorite; Latter Day Prophets. I bought most of this books and have used them and his lessons over and over and over in lessons that I have taught in Primary, Young Women, Relief Society and currently Gospel Doctrine. I graduated from BYU in 1980 and have been teaching Elementary school ever since and am in my 36th year. Although teaching 1st grade has not been conducive to teaching Church History stories, it was his style and his use of storytelling that has also been a great example of a master teacher. When I was born, my father, Sheldon Schofield, gave me a blessing and in it he said I would be blessed with gifted teachers in my life. Brother Leon Hartshorn was one who fulfilled that blessing. I do not know any of you family members, but I send my love and sympathy at this time.
Connie C. Bean posted a condolence
Friday, August 14, 2015
Dear Bea, I want to express my sorrow for the loss of your dear husband. My husband Howard passed away 4 years ago. I still remember how fond I was of you many years ago when I first met you. Please accept my love and condolences.
Dorothy Furniss posted a condolence
Friday, August 14, 2015
While my mind is flooded with things I learned in Leon's lessons, the thing that I will always remember is the Christ like act he did for me.
I was stuck in a large and deep puddle of water in front of Laing's house. I was in an old car it stalled right in the deepest part. I sat there trying to think of what I could do, when Leon seeing me in that predicament stopped his car and came to my window. He said he would push me out of the water. I felt so sad that he was in his suit and waded right in and pushed me out. It was a Christ like act
that I will never forget. I was so embarrassed, my heart just ached at his generous service. I witnessed such a Man of God that day and although he was not called to be an apostle, I knew he was worthy to be one. His calling was to teach and have a great influence on thousands of people. We loved him so. God bless the family!
J. David Cook posted a condolence
Thursday, August 13, 2015
President Hartshorn helped me to serve the Lord to the best of my ability and to lay the foundations of life. I thank him for that and look forward seeing him again some day
"Elder David Cook"
Missouri Saint Louis Missionary
Currently in Perry Utah
Bishop Stan Shaw posted a condolence
Thursday, August 13, 2015
I had the privilege of serving under President Hartshorn in the St Louis, MO mission 35 years ago as a full time missionary. He taught me so much about following the Savior and especially about being "obedient with exactness." We saw the blessings that came to us as missionaries as we followed President Hartshorn's council. This has blessed me and my family over our lives and I am eternally grateful for my testimony of obedience.
As I serve now as a bishop, I tell of the many wonderful experiences that I had on my mission, especially to the youth of my ward.
I look very forward to the day when I will meet again with President Hartshorn, give him a hug and thank him for the major impact that he has had on on my eternal life.
I extend my heartfelt feelings to all of his family members, especially to Sister Hartshorn, who I love so much.
My warmest personal regards,
"Elder Shaw"
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