Obituary of beau Arlin Sheets
Beau Arlin Sheets was born six weeks early on September 2, 2015 at 10:03 p.m. He was 3 pounds 9.2 ounces and 18 ½ inches long. He is the son of Cameron and Kali Sheets and brother to Kylan. He Spirit had already returned to his Heavenly Father by the time his sweet body entered this world. He was beautiful and perfect in every way and we have treasured the time that we have had to be with him. He will always live on in our hearts, and will always be a part of our eternal family. Our Heavenly Father has given us a guardian angel to watch over and protect us and help his other brothers and sisters make it to us safe. His presence and Spirit has been felt continually and we know it is a tender mercy of the Lord. We are saddened that we won’t be able to enjoy him in this life, but know that we will be reunited with him again.
“… The only difference between the old and young dying is, one lives longer in heaven and eternal light and glory than the other, and is freed a little sooner from this miserable, wicked world. Notwithstanding all this glory, we for a moment lose sight of it, and mourn the loss, but we do not mourn as those without hope.” –Joseph Smith